Non-Surgical Traction

Non-Surgical Cervical and Lumbar Traction

State-of-the-Art Techniques |  X-Ray Imaging | Insurance Accepted

State-of-the-Art Techniques

25+ Years of Experience

Most Insurance Accepted

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Benefit From Our Axial Spinal Traction Treatment

If you have ongoing back pain, neck pain, herniated discs, sciatica, or numbness and tingling, you may benefit from state-of-the-art axial spinal traction. Offering new hope for back pain sufferers, non-surgical spinal traction has a high success rate in the treatment of serious back conditions and is considered the most promising non-surgical disc treatment.

At West River Chiropractic Co, we're proud to offer this effective treatment. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, please contact us today.

Hill AIRFLEX II Cervical and Lumbar Traction Table

Non-surgical spinal traction distracts the vertebrae surrounding an injured disc five to seven millimeters. The 20-minute treatment provides static, intermittent, and cycling forces on structures that may be causing low back pain. 

During treatment, intradiscal pressure is dropped from a positive 25 millimeters mercury to a negative 150 millimeters mercury. This negative pressure promotes the diffusion of water, oxygen, and nutrients into the vertebral disc area, thereby re-hydrating the degenerated disc. Repeated pressure differential promotes retraction of a herniated nucleus pulposus (the elastic core of the intervertebral disc). 

Non-surgical spinal traction may:
  • Reduce pressure on the vertebral joints
  • Promote retraction of herniated discs
  • Promote self-healing and rehabilitation of damaged discs, thereby relieving low back pain
Learn More

Help for Your Serious Back Condition

Call to schedule an appointment.

(701) 663-3380

(701) 663-3380

I always get the best care here, and the doctors and staff are such good people! I highly recommend this place to anyone with aches and pains. You will be satisfied.

- Jodi Davis, Google Review

5 Benefits of Non-Surgical Cervical and Lumbar Traction

1. It's Effective
Healing will begin as soon as after the first session. Each spinal traction session lasts about 20 minutes long depending on the severity and is recommended to be performed in two phases, which is phase one for acute care and phase two for corrective care. The traction table is used to gently stretch the spine, which opens each pressure-filled disc and allows for oxygen and fluids to flow – immediately relieving pain.

2. It's Safe
With no need for surgery or drugs, spinal traction can be a safer alternative than other treatment methods. The chances of being injured during this process are zero to none, so there’s no fear or anxiety before-hand like there would be before going into an operating room.

3. It's Painless
Enjoy a completely painless and relaxing treatment. During a spinal traction session, you will be positioned on a traction table, which slowly moves horizontally to stretch the spine. This process can be very relaxing as pressure is relieved between each vertebra. The treatments start with very mild traction to ensure the patient is feeling comfortable.

4. It's Cost-Effective
Compared to surgery, spinal traction is a much less costly option with a quick recovery time. Spinal surgery can cost tens of thousands of dollars and has a high chance of not being 100% effective. Spinal traction will also allow for recovery of disc problems with speedy, medication-free recovery. Surgery requires a long recovery process and pain medication, often leading to negative side effects. 

5. Fewer Side Effects
The treatments start with very mild traction to ensure the patient is feeling comfortable. Although rare, spinal traction side effects may include minor muscle spasms and slight pain, whereas side effects of spinal surgery can include bleeding, infection, negative reaction to drugs, stroke, heart attack, or nerve damage. It’s safe to say that spinal traction treatment is a better option when available.
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